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Morgan Marine boat Workshop

After several very hectic weeks over the Christmas period, the Morgan Marine workshop has undergone a major transformation…

Morgan Marine boat Workshop

The eagle eyed among you will notice the fresh coat of paint on all walls; but the changes are far more comprehensive! The mezzanine flooring was moved from the left side of the building to the back wall, giving more width in the workshop to allow us to get an additional boat inside for service / repair / maintenance.  An all new tool box and workbench system is now installed, which is F1 inspired, enabling our technicians to have more specialised equipment on hand, to locate tools faster and keep them in tip top condition.

Morgan Marine boat Workshop

On the flooring, specialised interlocking anti-slip rubber tiles are fitted throughout making clearing of spills easier, giving additional isolation from the concrete underneath and providing a more uniform level surface for moving equipment and machinery around.

Morgan Marine boat Workshop

This overhaul of the Morgan Marine workshop should pay dividends for our customers helping us ensure high standards of operation whilst increasing throughput and ultimately reducing some of the waiting time our customers have before we are able to book their boat into the workshop.

Morgan Marine boat Workshop

At Morgan Marine we are committed to a programme of continued improvement, to ensure our customers always receive the best possible service, whether workshop / engineering, Park & Ride, chandlery or sales / brokerage.

All our engineers complete appropriate servicing and technical update programmes to keep abreast of latest developments and procedures within the industry. All workshop technicians also attend a weekly management meeting in-house to review incoming and ongoing projects.

We pride ourselves on an uncompromising approach to quality of work and customer satisfaction, each backed up by a management team with over 25 years of Formula 1 experience. If you would like to discuss any requirement, receive a quotation against a specific undertaking, however big or small, whether onsite or offsite – please call:

Oli Miller on 01206 302008 or direct mobile 07842 156840, or by email on

For more general information on our workshop services please click here: