Below you can find answers to some key questions you may have. For more information, get in touch using colnemarina@morganmarine.com

Yes, up to ten full-time equivalent jobs are anticipated. The redevelopment will facilitate growth of the town by encouraging mariners to return to Brightlingsea as a location known for marine leisure, elite sailing, and marine engineering excellence.

An extensive environmental impact assessment and habitat regulations assessment has been carried out as part of the licence application. Although there will be some short-term impacts caused by the construction, long-term impacts are considered to be minimal. The development will improve the waterfront by tidying the foreshore area of wrecks and litter that have accumulated over the years.

A study carried out by qualified archaeologist highlights that there are no archaeological artefacts at the development site.

We will aim to minimise traffic through town; however, the single access road will be used by the small amount of delivery lorries required for the sheet piling and the new pontoons.

Work is scheduled to be phased between the west and east yard, to ensure continued operation of the current moorings.

For a short duration, piling activities will be required for this project; we will request that the contractor only works daylight hours to limit the noise impact.

No, the depth of the main channel will remain the same and the design will not impede along this navigational route, allowing continued access to boats moored upstream.

Phase 1 is planned to commence in November 2021, although this is subject to change.